Published 2020-02-23

Mountain view with some yellow trees sprinkled.

Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger on Unsplash

The HTTP method PUT is used quite often to perform let the server know that you're performing an update operation. PATCH is also used for updates, but not in the same way as PUT. Let's dig a little deeper...


PUT replaces the entire object at the resource location.

PATCH just updates the provided fields on the object and leaves any other fields untouched.


Let's assume there's a user jdahmer object stored at location /users/id123. This was created with the following POST:

POST /users
  "username": "jdahmer",
  "favorite_treat": "ice-cream",
  "favorite_thing": "torso"

Now if we GET /users/id123 we should get back...

  "id": "id123",
  "username": "jdahmer",
  "favorite_treat": "ice-cream",
  "favorite_thing": "torso"

So what if we wanted to update jdahmer's favorite treat to gummy bears using a PUT command?

PUT /users/id123
  "favorite_treat": "gummy bears",

Now if we GET the user again...

GET /users/id123
  "favorite_treat": "gummy bears"

Where are the other fields? PUT replaces the entire object at the resource location, so if we just pass "favorite_treat", we lose the other fields from the object.

Let's rewind and pretend we undid the last PUT to get the original user object.

GET /users/id123
  "id": "id123",
  "username": "jdahmer",
  "favorite_treat": "ice-cream",
  "favorite_thing": "torso"

Now do PUT the correct way, passing the complete and entire user object with updated fields.

PUT /users/id123
  "id": "id123",
  "username": "jdahmer",
  "favorite_treat": "gummy bears",
  "favorite_thing": "torso"

Getting the user should return what we expected.

GET /users/id123
  "id": "id123",
  "username": "jdahmer",
  "favorite_treat": "gummy bears",
  "favorite_thing": "torso"

But what if we wanted to update only the fields that we pass in the body and leave the rest of the object intact?


PATCH is the answer in this case.

Let's see the original user again.

GET /users/id123
  "id": "id123",
  "username": "jdahmer",
  "favorite_treat": "ice-cream",
  "favorite_thing": "torso"

Now jdahmer actually likes gummy bears over ice-cream.

PATCH /users/id123
  "favorite_treat": "gummy bears",

And the user object is now...

GET /users/id123
  "id": "id123",
  "username": "jdahmer",
  "favorite_treat": "gummy bears",
  "favorite_thing": "torso"

Once more

PUT is for doing full updates.

PATCH is for doing incremental updates.

Happy coding 👩‍💻
